Moon-Hyun Kim, MD; Inseok Hwang, BSc; Je-Wook Park, MD; Hee Tae Yu, MD, PhD; Tae-Hoon Kim, MD; Jae-Sun Uhm, MD, PhD; Boyoung Joung, MD, PhD; Moon-Hyoung Lee, MD, PhD; Hui-Nam Pak, MD, PhD.
Yonsei University College of Medicine, Yonsei University Health System, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Mijin Kim, MD1*, Otto
van Koert2,3*, PhD,
Seong-Ho Kong, MD,
PhD2,4, Seung-Young
Oh, MD 4,6, Won
Kyeong Jeon, MD5,
Taejin Paik3, Philip
Choi3, Jae-hu Jeon7,
Joong-Sik Hong7,
Wan-Joong Kim7,
Myung-Jin Cha, MD,
PhD1#, Woong Kook,
1. Division of
Department of Internal
Medicine, Asan Medical
Center, University of
Ulsan College of
Medicine, Seoul, South
2. AI Institute, Seoul
National University,
Seoul, South Korea
3. Department of
Sciences, Seoul
National University,
Seoul, South Korea
4. Department of
Surgery, Seoul National
University Hospital and
Seoul National
University College of
Medicine, Seoul, South
5 Department of
Internal Medicine,
Seoul National
University Hospital,
Seoul, South Korea
6 Department of
Critical Care Medicine,
Seoul National
University Hospital
7 Medifarmsoft Co.,
Ltd., Seoul, South
So-Ryoung Lee,1 Eue-Keun Choi,1,2 Hyo-Jeong Ahn,1 Seung-Woo Lee,3 Kyung-Do Han,4 Seil Oh,1,2 Gregory Y. H. Lip2,5,6
1Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea
2Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea
3Department of Medical Statistics, College of Medicine, Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea
4Statistics and Actuarial Science, Soongsil University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
5Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular Science, University of Liverpool and Liverpool Chest and Heart Hospital, Liverpool, United Kingdom
6Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Seunghoon Cho, MD;1 Pil-Sung Yang, MD;2 Daehoon Kim, MD;1 Seng Chan You, MD, MS;3 Jung-Hoon Sung, MD;2Eunsun Jang, MS;1 Hee Tae Yu, MD;1 Tae-Hoon Kim, MD;1 Hui-Nam Pak, MD;1 Moon-Hyoung Lee, MD;1 Boyoung Joung, MD, PhD1
1Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Severance Hospital, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
2Department of Cardiology, CHA Bundang Medical Center, CHA University, Seongnam, Republic of Korea
3Department of Biomedical Informatics, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Relationship between heart rate and anxiety: A population-based cross-section study in Korea
Han-Joon Bae, Hae Won Jung, Chang-Yeon Kim, Seung Pyo Hong, Jin Bae Lee, Young Soo Lee, Ji Yong Choi, Jae Kern Ryu, Kee-Sik Kim
Daegu Catholic University Medical Center